Brona Wingell – 2014
44 x 60 in
– $7.8k – Please contact the gallery to inquire about purchasing this painting.
Brona Wingell
2021, 32 inches x 76 inches, acrylic on 2 canvas panels
8.6K – Please contact the gallery to inquire about purchasing this painting.
Emerald Spirit
Brona Wingell – 2022
acrylic, 2022, 38 x 22 in
$3.8K – Please contact the gallery to inquire about purchasing this painting.
“Emerald Spirit” celebrates the sacred and powerful divine feminine. The harmonizing emerald green color offers its energizing as well as calming properties to bring pure joy and excitement into any heart and environment. The mystical, illuminated tassels of long green hair guide the focus to the central pure beauty of the woman’s face, then down the sensual feminine figure to the star-speckled ground. Lush blue vibrations of the flowy etheric background provide the magical backdrop to the emerald goddess.
Although I don’t glow in green, the painting is somewhat of a self-portrait. Although she certainly doesn’t look like me, the image is a portrait of a feeling, the deep rooted feminine feeling of the lush, raw and free beauty we women carry in our souls. Let her shine! Emerald is known as the stone of the heart symbolizing mercy, compassion, and universal love. It represents all the wonderful things in this world and how they’re all interconnected in love.
Broňa Wingell
24” x 28”, acrylic on canvas, 2020
$2.6k – Please contact the gallery to inquire about purchasing this painting.
Higher Vibrations
Brona Wingell
22 x 36 inches, acrylic on canvas, 2018
$2.7k – Please contact the gallery to inquire about purchasing this painting. Now on Exhibit with Gallery Matilda in Clarksburg, Ontario.
Love Bubbles: Becoming One
Broňa Wingell
60 x 22 inches, acrylic on stretched canvas, 2017
$4.4k – Please contact the gallery to inquire about purchasing this painting.
[separator type="dashed-double"]On our journey of Life we are meant to bond with our one and only true love; the missing puzzle piece we are all compelled to search for. Once found, the search is over. Afloat in a sea of etheric vibrations that connect the like minded, we build invisible protective bubbles created by our love. The two become one. Duality turns into harmony that gives life to an angelic existence born from the union of the lovers.
Broňa Wingell
60”x28”, acrylic on canvas, 2017
$5.7k– Please contact the gallery to inquire about purchasing this painting.
Brona Wingell – 2015
Acrylic, 56 x 60 in
$6.2k – Please contact the gallery to inquire about purchasing this painting.
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“Imagine” – As a child I spent countless hours sitting in the tops of trees staring into the sky, observing the horizon, imagining. Trees were my best friends and imagination was my kingdom. I remember the first time I climbed to the very top of our old apple tree, “Ali”. I felt like the queen of all trees and nothing in the world was impossible… I still climb trees whenever I can. Brona
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The Goddess in Me!
Brona Wingell – 2022
acrylic, 70 x 28 in
$6.8K – Please contact the gallery to inquire about purchasing this painting.
Brona Wingell – 2018
acrylic, 56 x 32 in
$6.2k – Please contact the gallery to inquire about purchasing this painting.
Dream Weavers
Broňa Wingell
60”x42”, acrylic on canvas, 2017
$7.6k – Please contact the gallery to inquire about purchasing this painting.
DREAM WEAVERS Broňa Wingell Available –$7.6 – 60”x42”, acrylic on canvas, 2017
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